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XML Social mobilization for health promotion in the elderly
Malek Afzali H, (PhD), Baradaran Eftekhary M, (MPH) *, Hejazi F,(BS), Khojasteh T, (BS), Tabrizi R,, Faridi T
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Prevalence of Delta agent super-infection and co-infection among HBsAg-positive patients referring to reference IBTO Lab
Amini Kafi-abad S, (MD) *, Taghinia A, (BS), Khan Baba F, (BS), Talebian A, (MD).
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Variations in hematologic indices due to homologous and autologous transfusions: a clinical trial
Imani F, (MD) *, Sadrosadat H, (MD), Najafi A, (MD), Shariat Moharrery R, (MD), Pasha Meisami A, (MD).
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Contact with physicians prior to suicide attempt
Khalkhali SMR, (MD) *, Najafi K, (MD), Jahanbakhsh J, (MD), Hasani H, (MD).
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Quality of life and factors related to it among psychiatric nurses in the university teaching hospitals in Tehran
Fallahee Khoshknab M, (PhD), Karimloo M, (PhD), Rahgoy A (MSc), Fattah Moghaddam L, (MSc). *
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Homocystein level in patients with premature coronary artery disease
Hajimoradi B, (MD) *, Bahrami GhR, (PhD), Kiani A, (MS), Kazerani H, (MD), Moloudi A, (MD), Rai A, (MD), Rahbarinia J, (MD), Sabzi F, (MD).
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Design, fabrication and test of a new self-retaining, standing, adjustable surgical retractor for abdominal and thoracic surgical operatio
Farahmand F, (PhD) *, Pourmand GhR, (MD), Alhosseyni SH, (MSc), Azghani MR, (MSc).
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML A comparison of efficacy of the post-thoracotomy pain relief with four methods of postoperative pain management: epidural fentanyl, epidural bupivacaine, extrapleural-intercostal bupivacaine and intravenous meperidine.
Ghafouri A, (MD) *, Movafegh A, (MD), Nasr Esfahani M, (MD), Madh Khane S, (MD).
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Prevalence of TT virus in general population of Isfahan .
Bouzari M, (DVM, DVSt, PhD) *, Shaykh Baygloo N,(MSc), Zandieh T, (PhD).
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Evaluation of antiviral activity of aerial part of Echinacea purpurea extract against herpes simplex virus type 1
Ghaemi A, (MSc), Soleimanjahi H, (PhD) *, Farshbaf Moghaddam M, (MSc), Yazdani N, (MSc); Zaki dizaji H, (MSc).,
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Characterization of HS80 monoclonal antibody for detection of its antigen on the surface of human sperm
Torkabadi E, (MSc), Akhoondi MM, (PhD) *, Pakzad P, (PhD), Mahmoodi SAR, (MSc), Bayat A, (BS), Sadeghi MR, (PhD), Jeddi Tehrani M, (PhD).,
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