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XML Policy Analysis, Problem Identification and Proposing Policy Options for Health Insurance Benefit Package in Iran
efat mohammadi, Alireza Olyaee Manesh *, arash rashidian, ali hasanzadeh, moaven razavi
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Implementation of the Health System Reform Plan in Two Contexts of “Promoting Vaginal Delivery and Reducing Out-of-Pocket Payment of Hospitalized Patients” in Hospitals Affiliated to Hamadan University of Medical Sciences
Zahra Toosi, elahe soori *, latif zamanian, Gholamhossein fallahinia
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Providing Physical Resources and Requirements for the Implementation of the Family physician Program in Iran: From Theory to Practice
Mohamad Javad Kabir, Hasan Ashrafian Amiri, Seyed Mozafar Rabiee, Reza Momtahen, Rasol Zafarmand, Seiyed Davoud Nasrollahpour Shirvani *
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Features of effective inter-sectoral collaboration structure in health
ali masoud *, akram Khayatzadeh Mahani, mohammad hossain mehrolhassani
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Assessing health-related consequences of land mine explosions in Kurdistan province during the last 37 years: 1980-2017
Soraia Fathollahi, Farin Fatemi, Ali Ardalan, Farzam Bidarpoor, Nader Esmailnasab, Arezoo Yari *
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Commercialization Modeling and Processes in Pharmaceutical Industry: A Case Study of Presenting an Evaluation Pattern Using Dynamic Programming Model
hasan emami *, reza radfar, farhad emami
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Status of Strategic Thinking Among Education and Research Managers of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in 2016
rana gholamzadeh *, ali janati, fatemeh samadpour
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Attention to physical health concerns of adolescents: another-way to meet the psychological and social needs
nezal azh, fatemeh nahidi *, gity ozgoli, glayol ardalan
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Identification of Basic Indicators for Monitoring and Assessment of the Sixth Development Plan in the Health Sector
Efat Mohamadi, *, , ali hasanzadeh, mohammadreza mobinizadeh, taraneh yousefinezhad, sara mohammadi
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