mohammadi E, Olyaee Manesh A, rashidian A, hasanzadeh A, razavi M. Policy Analysis, Problem Identification and Proposing Policy Options for Health Insurance Benefit Package in Iran. Hakim 2018; 21 (3) :153-172
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Abstract: (3238 Views)
Policy Analysis, Problem Identification and Proposing Policy Options for Health Insurance Benefit Package in Iran
Efat Mohamadi (PhD) 1, Alireza Olyaeemanesh (Md, PhD) 1,2*, Arash Rashidian (Md, PhD) 3, Ali Hasanzadeh
(Sub-specialist) 4, Moaven Razavi (Md, PhD) 5
1Health Equity Research Center (HERC), Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2National Institute for Health Research, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
3Department of Health Management and Economics, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
4Health Insurance Organization, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran
5Brandeis University, Waltham, USA
Background: One of the most important dimensions of strategic purchasing is to consider what kind of service should be purchased, how to set up a basic health insurance package, and how much health care must be covered. Addressing this issue requires conducting scientific studies for relevant policy analysis. The present study aimed at policy analysis of health insurance benefit package and providing policy options.
Methods: This study was conducted qualitatively during 2014 - 2017 to analyze health policymaking. It was carried out retrospectively and prospectively in two phases. Data were gathered with interviews, document examination, and observation and were analyzed by content analysis using MAXQDA V. 11 software.
Results: After the policy analysis of the health insurance benefit package, 10 topics, 22 themes, and 168 subthemes were identified. In the phase of problem identification, by analyzing the findings of the previous step, 20 challenges and constraints were investigated and then, 64 policy options were retrieved under 27 general solutions.
Conclusions: Paying attention to the financial and economic resources of the health sector and taking advantage of effective economic and policy measures are among the modifications that need to be considered in the development and implementation of the health insurance benefit package.
Keywords: Health Services Package; Health Insurance Benefit Package; Policy Analysis; Policy Options Analysis
Please cite this article as follows:
Mohamadi E, Olyaeemanesh AR, Rashidian A, Hasanzadeh A, Razavi M. Policy analysis, problem identification and proposing policy options for Health Insurance Benefit Package in Iran. Hakim Health Sys Res.2018; 21(3): 153- 172.
*Corresponding Author: MD, PhD, National Institute for Health Research, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. Tel: +98-9124117610, Email:
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Original |
General Received: 2019/03/4 | Accepted: 2019/03/4 | Published: 2019/03/4