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XML Health System Evolution Plan; a New Approach to Health Care Delivery: The Challenge Ahead
Atefeh Ghanbari, Fatemeh Moaddab *, Abtin Heydarzade, Fatemeh Jafaraghaee, Fatemeh Barari
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Assessment of Referral System in Rural Family Medicine Program Based on the Comprehensive Care Criterion
Mahmood Kazemian, Fatemeh Kavian Telouri *
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Programming Modification of Drug Consumption Pattern Based on Religious Teachings, National Interests, and Attention to Deprived People
Seyyed Hatam Mahdavinoor *, Morteza Donkob
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML The Role of Lobbying and Conflict of Interests on the Iranian Health System Decision-making
Hakimeh Mostafavi, Arash Rashidian *
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Evaluation of Factors Affecting Blood Donation Among Continuous and NonContinuous Donors, Using the Theory of Planned Behavior in Ilam Province, Iran
Mahmoud Keyvanara, Reza Khaki *, Haniye Sadat Sajadi
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Study of the Promotion of Normal Delivery Program in Government Hospitals in Line with the Health Transformation Plan and Its Achievements
Farah Babaei, Mohammad Aghajani, Leila Estambolichi, Maryam Joshari, Zohre Mazaheri, Fariba Kykhosravi, Ali Maher *, et al et al
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML A review of the Program to Improve the Quality of Visiting Services in Government Hospitals in Line with the Development of the Health System Through Focusing Its Achievements
Jamshid Kermanchi, Mohammad Aghajani *, Marjan Ghotbi, Ali Shahrami, Alireza Olyaeemanesh, Saeid Manavi, Leila Poraghasi, et al et al
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
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