Volume 9, Issue 1 (4-2006)                   Hakim 2006, 9(1): 58-63 | Back to browse issues page

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Providing the opportunity to use GIS in decision-making in the health sector management. Hakim 2006; 9 (1) :58-63
URL: http://hakim.tums.ac.ir/article-1-346-en.html
Abstract:   (25432 Views)

Introduction: Information and its major effect on strengthening the process of management decision-making cause the maximum efficiency in a system. Thus, if information is made available to managers with required speed and in a proper way, it will help them to make correct and proper decisions. Unavailability of such conditions will cause irretrievable problems, especially in the health sector. Geographical Information System (GIS) makes required information available for users more rapidly, accurately and up-to-date in order to make decision. The objective of applying GIS in health management is to show its advantages practically compared to other information systems e.g. MIS.

Methods: After necessary studies and organizing experts' meetings, three districts (Farsan from Chaharmahal Bakhtiari province, Dashti from Boushehr province and Bam from Kerman province) were chosen where on the basis of their ecological variety and environmental related diseases. First descriptive information was collected then the required information layers were adjusted on spatial information by selecting and modifying the base maps.

Results: The data model of this project was designed in the form of geographical databank on the basis of descriptive information of health network and need assessment. For example, the health and medical facilities with their descriptive information were specified on the district geographical map in a way that different information layers of health centers are visible dynamically and simultaneously. The incidence of important diseases such as tuberculosis, malaria, cholera, etc. can be also determined on the map so proper and prompt action can be taken for their prevention and surveillance.

Conclusion: The system was accountable to information needs of health system and there is the possibility of its development and improvement from many aspects.

Hakim Research Journal 2006 9(1): 58-63.

Full-Text [PDF 515 kb]   (4021 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Original |
Received: 2008/01/9 | Published: 2006/04/15

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