Volume 10, Issue 2 (7-2007)                   Hakim 2007, 10(2): 34-42 | Back to browse issues page

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Effects of a TTM-based osteoporosis preventive physical activity education, on increasing muscle strength and balance in women aged 40-65 . Hakim 2007; 10 (2) :34-42
URL: http://hakim.tums.ac.ir/article-1-405-en.html
Abstract:   (23889 Views)

Introduction: Physical activity and strength training have the ability to improve muscle mass and bone density, while reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Physical activity level in Iranian women is generally low and it seems necessary to use a behavioral model, such as TTM to plan more effective interventions to promote physical activity.

Methods: This randomized controlled study evaluated the effectiveness of a 12-week TTM-based exercise education program, including a progressive resistive exercise prescription and a complementary walking program, on improving physical activity, muscle strength and balance in 116 women aged 40-65.

Results: The results implied that before intervention there were no differences between control (n=55) and experimental (n=61) groups. After intervention, the training group had a positive significant progress in stages (χ2=76.17, p < .001). Significant improvements in physical activity, muscle strength (58%), dynamic balance (8.53%) and static balance (66.18%) were noted in the training group but not in control group (p < .001).

Conclusion: These results support the applicability of TTM for physical activity intervention and indicate that this training program is very effective in improving balance and muscle strength in women.


Hakim Research Journal 2007 10(2): 34- 42.

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Type of Study: Original | Subject: General
Received: 2008/05/10 | Published: 2007/07/15

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