Volume 8, Issue 2 (Jun 2005)                   Hakim 2005, 8(2): 7-12 | Back to browse issues page

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Comparative study of second trimester abortion using oxytocin with or without foley catheter . . Hakim 2005; 8 (2) :7-12
URL: http://hakim.tums.ac.ir/article-1-288-en.html
Abstract:   (18292 Views)

Introduction: There are different methods for mid-trimester abortion which have some shortcomings and limitations. Considering our country’s facilities in order to find an inexpensive, effective and safe method we compared two methods of using oxytocin and foley catheter with oxytocin in mid-trimester abortion in Shariati Hospital.

Methods: An interventional study using historical controls was conducted on patients who were candidate for mid-trimester abortion. After informing patients and taking informed consent foley catheter was inserted in 32 cases through the cervical canal at the top of internal osevs and inflamed with 45-50 ml normal saline under sterile condition. If adequate contraction did not develop within 24 hours, high doses of oxytocin were administered intravenously. The control group included those women who had been terminated with concentrated oxytocin during 3 previous years. Maternal age, gestational age gravidity, parity, oxytocin dosage, induction to delivery interval, indication for abortion and complications were compared in both groups. Data were analyzed by using χ 2 or Fisher's exact test, Mann – Whitney U test, z test and t test.

Results: The mean maternal age in foley catheter group was significantly less than controls (P = 0.02). The mean gravidity, parity and gestational age were similar in two groups. Induction to delivery interval was significantly shorter in foley catheter than control groups (39hrs vs. 51 hrs, P<0.001). Median dose of oxytocin was significantly less than controls (65 units vs. 400 units, P<0.001) . Complications such as fever, need for hysterotomy were not significantly different.

Conclusion: We conclude that induction to delivery interval using foley catheter and high doses of oxytocin was shorter than the only oxytocin and less oxytocin was used with foley catheter.


  Hakim Research Joirnal 2005 8(2) 7-12.

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Type of Study: Original | Subject: General
Received: 2006/09/6 | Published: 2005/07/15

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