Volume 25, Issue 4 (3-2023)                   Hakim 2023, 25(4): 290-300 | Back to browse issues page

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Khosravi M, Letafat Nejad M, Abolhassani-Shahreza F. The rights of service providers in the family medicine program. Hakim 2023; 25 (4) :290-300
URL: http://hakim.tums.ac.ir/article-1-2213-en.html
1- Ph.D. in Health Management, Department of Health Service Provision, National Institute of Health Research, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
2- Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, Department of Health Service Provision, National Institute of Health Research, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. , farabolhassani@gmail.com
Abstract:   (85 Views)
Introduction: Developing a supportive framework to protect the rights of family medicine service providers can enhance public health outcomes and promote progress in the program. This study’s objective was to establish a framework that addresses the rights of healthcare providers in the family medicine program.
Methods: This study involved two phases: first, a narrative review of articles on the rights of service providers in Iran’s family medicine program from 2005 to 2022, and second, a meeting with seven experts in the fields of economics, policy, and health management to develop a document outlining service providers’ rights.
Results: Two studies were reviewed, emphasizing interpersonal communication needs, service compensation, and welfare facilities in the family medicine program. The synthesis of these study findings and expert panel discussions led to the creation of a document detailing 12 rights for service providers within the family medicine program. These rights were categorized into three groups: having a suitable job, having a fair contract, and maintaining dignity and respect. These rights include the alignment between the job description and the worker’s role, the existence of sufficient physical space, the presence of suitable working conditions, a suitable mental and emotional atmosphere, job security, sufficient financial payment, dignity and livelihood, the availability of flexible work opportunities, equality and justice, respectful behavior, privacy, and the ability to file complaints.
Conclusion: Recognizing and supporting the rights of service providers in family medicine is critical. Such support increases provider retention, reduces financial losses linked to new staff recruitment, and ensures the ongoing delivery of high-quality patient care, ultimately elevating patient satisfaction.
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Type of Study: Original | Subject: General
Received: 2023/07/26 | Accepted: 2023/03/1 | Published: 2023/03/1

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