Volume 24, Issue 2 (7-2021)                   Hakim 2021, 24(2): 105-118 | Back to browse issues page

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Entezarmahdi R, Abdollahi Z, Ghtb Abadi F, Babayi F, Khakzad L, Shamshiri A, et al . Executive Performance Evaluation and the Process of Establishing a Nutrition and Food Security policy in the Medical Universities of Iran. Hakim 2021; 24 (2) : 1
URL: http://hakim.tums.ac.ir/article-1-1935-en.html
1- MD, MPH, PhD of Epidemiology, Social Determinant of Health Research Center, Clinical Research Institute, biostatistics & epidemiology department, medical school, Urmia University of Medical Science, Urmia, Iran. , r_entezar_mahdi@yahoo.com
2- PhD of Nutrition, Director General of Community Nutrition Improvement Ministry of Health and Medical Education.
3- Master of Nutrition, Expert at the Society for Community Nutrition Improvement Ministry of Health and Medical Education.
4- Nutrition Expert, Health affairs department, Urmia Medical sciences of university, Urmia, Iran.
5- M. Sc of Computer, Health affairs department, Urmia Medical sciences of university, Urmia, Iran.
6- PhD of Epidemiology, Assistant professor of Epidemiology, Tehran University of Medical sciences, Tehran, Iran.
7- PhD of Nutrition, professor of nutrition Epidemiology, National Institutes of food technology Research institute, shahid beheshti university of Medical sciences, Tehran, Iran.
8- PhD of Epidemiology, Assistant professor of Epidemiology, Tehran University of Medical sciences (NIHR),Tehran, Iran.
9- Master of HSE, Urmia Medical sciences of university, Urmia, Iran.
10- PhD student of Midwifery, Urmia Medical sciences of university, Urmia, Iran.
11- PhD of Nutrition, Assistant Professor of Nutrition Sciences, Food and Drink Health Research Center, Urmia Medical sciences of university, Urmia, Iran
Abstract:   (839 Views)
Introduction:The Ministry of Health and Medical Education for the first time drafted and communicated the National Nutrition and Food Security Document in order to implement targeted programs. This study aims to evaluate the provincial nutrition and food security document and outline strategies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of provincial document deployment at the organizational, inter-organizational and community level.
Methods: Documents received by the universities / colleges of medical sciences were classified for evaluation purposes. The studied dimentions consisted of the provincial document cut-off, the beneficiaries of the program, the establishment and implementation of the submitted documents. In the next step, self-declaration compliance assessment and scoring were performed.
Results: Out of 28 provincial documents (90%), 60% were documented, 21% provincial data were not used, and desirable measures were taken to attract stakeholders. No effective measures were taken to evaluate the results as the most important pillar of the document. Among 255 projects anticipated, 7 were documented and 6 were approved, and only 4 projects were submitted to the researchers, and for 5 projects had written
Conclusion: Despite the relatively favorable performance in most of the documented and targeted areas of the document at the national level, assessments show that this trend has not been very successful at the provincial level. This study clearly shows policy makers' lack of support for nutrition programs and poorly evaluates nutrition support.
Keywords: National policy, Nutrition, Food Security, Iran

Please cite this article as follows:
Entezarmahdi R, Abdollahi Z, Sadeghi F, et al. Executive Performance Evaluation and the Process of Establishing a Nutrition and Food Security policy in the Medical Universities of Iran: Qualitative Study. Hakim Health Sys Res .2021;24(2):105-118

*Corresponding Author: Medicine Faculty, Urmia Medical sciences of university, Urmia, Iran. E-mail: r_entezar_mahdi@yahoo.com.

Article number: 1
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Type of Study: Original | Subject: General
Received: 2019/07/16 | Accepted: 2021/07/1 | Published: 2021/07/1

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