Volume 21, Issue 2 (7-2018)                   Hakim 2018, 21(2): 114-121 | Back to browse issues page

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sadeghi A, bastani P, barati O, daneshjafari D, etemadian M. Implementation of Public- Private Partnership (PPP) Model in the Provision of Hospital Services in Iran and Selected Countries. Hakim 2018; 21 (2) :114-121
URL: http://hakim.tums.ac.ir/article-1-1710-en.html
1- , omidbarati40@gmail.com
Abstract:   (3587 Views)
Implementation of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Model in the Provision of Hospital Services in Iran and Selected Countries

Ahmad Sadeghi 1, Peivand Bastani 2, Omid Barati 3 *, Davood Daneshjafari 4, Masoud Etemadian 5
1 Department of Public Health, Esfarayen Faculty of Medical Sciences, Esfarayen, Iran
2 Health Human Resources Research Center, School of Management & Information Sciences,
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

3 School of Health and Safety, Shahid  Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
and Health Human Resources Research Center,
 School of Management & Information Sciences, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

4 Department of Economics, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran
5 Hospital Management Research Center, Hasheminejad Kidney Center,
 Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Background: Public-private partnerships (PPPs) have been constructively considered in recent years to reform health sectors in many countries. This study was conducted to review the experiences of selected countries in the use of PPP in the provision of hospital services.
Methods: This study was a comparative-applied type study conducted in 2015. To collect data, valid databases and other related resources in the field of the private-sector partnership in hospital services were employed. Purposive sampling was used to choose countries such as Australia, Lesotho, Portugal, Spain, Canada, Brazil, UK, and Turkey, which had successful experiences in the field of application of the PPP in hospital services for inclusion in the study. Likewise, the only experience of Iranians in this field was reviewed. The results obtained from each country were compared in a comparative table.
Results: The findings of this study showed that items such as financing, construction, operation, maintenance, management, provision of clinical and non-clinical services, and payment structure in different PPP models can be variable from country to country.
Conclusions: In the studied countries, successful experiences in the use of PPP, in the provision of hospital services were observed. By utilizing the experiences of successful countries and localization of participatory patterns, a good development in the health sector can be created and provide a background for the development and promotion of this model.
Keywords: Public-Private Partnership; Hospital Services; Comparative Study; Selected Countries; Iran

Please cite this article as follows:
Sadeghi A, Bastani P, Barati O, Daneshjafari D, Etemadian M. Implementation of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Model in the Provision of Hospital Services in Iran and Selected Countries. Hakim Health Sys Res 2018; 21(2): 114- 121.
*Corresponding Author: Ph.D., Associate Professor, Health Human Resources Research Center, School of Management & Information Sciences, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Almas Building, Alley 29, Qasrodasht Ave., Shiraz, Iran. Tel: +98-7132340779, Fax: +98-712340039, Email: omidbarati40@gmail.com
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Type of Study: Original | Subject: General
Received: 2017/07/17 | Accepted: 2019/01/6 | Published: 2019/01/6

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