The Effect of Health Rural Centers Pharmacy Outsourcing in Quality of Service
Maher A
* (PhD), Saadati AR (M.A), Hosseyni SM (PhD)
Department of Health Services Management, Faculty of Management and Social Science, Tehran North Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Original Article
Received: 28 Sep 2015, Accepted: 10 Mar 2016
Introduction: In Iran, in recent years with the aim of improving the quality of health services, increase patient satisfaction an deduce costs, part of that cares assign to the private sector, in this regard the approach of out sourcing in the area of pharmaceutical services in health centers been followed predominantly. This study aimed to investigate the effect of outsourcing the pharmacies services in rural health center son service quality using structural equation.
Methods: The method of the present study was descriptive and research design was structural equation. The study population was customer of rural health center sand pharmacies in Soltanieh and Abhar which384of them were selected randomly. The measuring instrument used in this research was service quality and outsourcing scale.
Results: To analyze the data structural equation modeling with LISREL 8.80 software was used. The results showed that the impact of out sourcing rural health centers had significant and positive influence on tangibles (p<0.01, 0.69), reliability (p<0.01, 0.63), responsiveness (p<0.01, 0.67), assurance of trust (p<0.01, 0.73) and empathy (p<0.01, 0.64).
Conclusion: In general, the findings highlight the role of outsourcing on service quality and outsourcing in rural health center sand pharmacies in Abhar and Soltanieh city improved quality of services.
Key words: outsourcing, service quality, health centers, pharmacies
Please cite this article as follows:
Maher A, Saadati AR, Hosseyni SM. The Effect of Health Rural Centers Pharmacy Outsourcing in Quality of Service. Hakim Health Sys Res 2016; 19(1): 51- 57.