Volume 16, Issue 1 (4-2013)                   Hakim 2013, 16(1): 72-79 | Back to browse issues page

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Farajzadeh M, Hydari A. Relationship between Climate changes with Children's Infectious Diseases in Bandar Abbas, Iran . Hakim 2013; 16 (1) :72-79
URL: http://hakim.tums.ac.ir/article-1-1134-en.html
1- , farajzam@modares.ac.ir
Abstract:   (9261 Views)


  Farajzadeh M1 * (PhD), Hydari A2 (MSc)


  1 Department of Remote Sensing and GIS, Humanities Faculty, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

  2 Department of Geography, Humanities Faculty, Larestan Azad University, Lar, Iran


  Received 15 Jul 2012, Accepted: 14 Mar 2013





  Introduction: Patterns of the diseases distribution can be affected by the climate changes. Several studies on climatic conditions in different areas of Iran have presented useful information on patterns of diseases. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between climate changes with the gastroenteritis rotavirus (GE) frequency in children in Bandar Abbas area.

  Methods: In this study, the climate data were provided from the Bandar Abbas Weather Station. Data of the gastroenteritis disease were extracted from medical records of all children less than five years old referred to the hospital during 2006-2008. Using statistical analysis and Pearson regression, monthly and weekly correlation between two types of data were calculated. Using a multiple regression equation, a general model was presented to predict the frequency of the disease.

  Results: The findings showed that the lowest prevalence of the disease was for 2008 with 78 cases and the highest prevalence was for 2007 with 403 cases. The maximum correlations belonged to temperature factor and relative humidity, respectively. Monthly distribution indicated that the gastroenteritis had high frequency in cold weather comparing with hot weather the maximum frequency belonged to the December. The study of the zones of the disease showed that Jask and Bandar Lengeh had low frequency of the disease. Along with decreasing temperature from south coast to north areas, the frequency of the disease increased. The coefficient correlation between minimum, average and maximum temperature with the gastroenteritis were 0.791, 0.752 and 0.7, respectively (P<0.0001). The coefficient correlation of minimum, average and maximum humidity with the gastroenteritis were -0.3320 (P= 0.073), 0.0169 (P= 0.371) and 0.054
(P= 0.775), respectively.

  Conclusion: One degree decrease in temperature caused the gastroenteritis in 10 more individuals. The results showed the disease frequency begins in 13 degree Celsius.


  Key words: climate changes, infectious disease, gastroenteritis, rotavirus




  Please cite this article as follows:

  Farajzadeh M, Hydari A. Relationship between Climates changes with Children's Infectious Diseases in Bandar Abbas, Iran. Hakim Research Journal 2013 16(1): 72- 79.


  * Corresponding Author: Tehran, Tarbiat Modares University, P.O. Box 14115-139, Tel: +98- 21- 82884666,
Fax: +98- 21- 88006544, E-mail: farajzam@modares.ac.ir

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Received: 2013/07/6 | Published: 2013/04/15

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