Volume 12, Issue 4 (1-2010)                   Hakim 2010, 12(4): 1-10 | Back to browse issues page

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Autonomy in the Elderly: A Phenomenological Study . Hakim 2010; 12 (4) :1-10
URL: http://hakim.tums.ac.ir/article-1-566-en.html
Abstract:   (26826 Views)


  Darvishpoor Kakhki A * 1 (PhD Candidate), Abed Saeedi J1 (PhD), Delavar A2 (PhD), Saeed-O-Zakerin M1 (PhD)


  1 Postgraduate Department, School of Nursing and Midwifery,

  Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

  2 School of Psychology, University of Allameh Tabatabaie, Tehran, Iran


  Received: 18 May 2009, Accepted: 24 Dec 2009





Introduction: In near future, most of the elderly people will be living in developing countries such as Iran. Maintaining autonomy and independence is the main goal in elderly care. This study was conducted to understand the concept of autonomy from the viewpoint of elderly people.

Methods: A qualitative research based on van Manens phenomenological methodology was developed. Semi-structured interviews were used for 10 old people who were selected by purposeful sampling. Research activities of van Manens methodology were used for analysis of verbatim transcripts.

Results: Four themes emerged by which the phenomenon of autonomy could be illustrated. These themes were: being a self director, not being a burden, financial independence and living in one’s own house. Being a self director included sub-themes of independence, decision making, freewill and authority. Not being a burden included sub-themes of self-care, independent performance and being useful for the family and community. Financial independence included sub-themes of experience of inflation, financial security, fear of financial dependency, and relation between financial ability and health status. Living in one’s own house included sub-themes of having separate life from offspring, hate of living in nursing homes, feeling of dignity by having separate life from offspring, and family’s effort for the older people to live in their own house.

Conclusion: The attention paid to these themes by older people showed that autonomy is both multidimensional and context-dependent in older people of Iran. The findings will help health professionals to develop an effective caring system for older people.


Key words:  Life Change Events, Personal Autonomy, Aged, Iran, Housing for the Elderly  

Hakim Research Journal 2010 12(4): 1- 10.



  * Corresponding Author: Post Graduate Department, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Next to Mofid Childern Hospital, Shariatie Street, Tehran, Iran. Tel: +98- 21- 22221543,
Fax: +98- 21- 22275248, Email: darvishpoor@sbmu.ac.ir, darvishpur@yahoo.com

Full-Text [PDF 171 kb]   (2534 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Original |
Received: 2010/03/10 | Published: 2010/01/15

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