Volume 8, Issue 1 (4-2005)                   Hakim 2005, 8(1): 35-42 | Back to browse issues page

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Gharehbaghian A, Mehran M, Karimi G. Knowledge of hospital managers about the role of hospital transfusion committees and their activities. Hakim 2005; 8 (1) :35-42
URL: http://hakim.tums.ac.ir/article-1-838-en.html
1- , gharehbaghian@ibto.ir
Abstract:   (23209 Views)

      Introduction: In the past, the main responsibility of blood transfusion services and hospital blood banks was to prepare blood and blood components sufficient to meet the needs of patients. Since 1985 by the discovery of HIV and the confirmation of its transmission through blood, the science of blood transfusion has changed into a specialized field called as “transfusion medicine”. The main goal of hospital transfusion committees is to review the use of blood and blood components and take measures to improve their appropriate use. The main aim of the present study is to consider the awareness of hospital managers about the role and quality of hospital transfusion committees and their activities.

  Methods: The study was descriptive and the population under study comprise of hospital managers. In this study first a questionaire was prepared by Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization (IBTO) experts given statistical consultation it included 23 questions addressing the awareness about the role of hospital blood transfusion committees. The questions were then sent to blood centers, through which hospitals would find access to. Out of 282 forwarded questionaires, 262 questions pertinent to 25 provinces were collected and analysed by SPSS version 10 using chi-square statistical method.

  Results: Out of 262 hospital managers filling out the questionnaire, 89.4 percent had bachelor or upper degrees, 2.6 percent had diploma or higher certificates, and 7.6 percent did not specify their academic status. 82.8 percent of the hospitals in this study had transfusion committee on the other hand ,17.2 percent did not have any hospital transfusion committee and unfortunately 63.7 percent of the hospital managers did not have any formulated educational programs regarding the field of transfusion medicine in the educational curriculum of their hospitals. It is worth mentioning that 30 percent of the hospital managers held the belief that a person with high-risk behaviors could refer to blood centers as a blood donor and find out the results of the tests indicating whether he/she has developed infection markers such as AIDS or hepatitis.

  Discussion: Based on the obtained results, IBTO in cooperation with Ministry of Health and Medical Education should indicat the necessity of the establishment of hospital transfusion committees. This could be done by implementing practical and educational methods through the cooperation of hospital managers and the relevant experts consequently the due attention would be cast upon the effective role of these committees. On the other hand, considering the significance of ensuring and promoting the safety of blood and blood components prepared in blood centers throughout the country, it is imperative to take measures to improve the relevant educational programs in medical universities so as to familiarize specialists, physicians, and paramedics with “transfusion medicine”.


  Keywords: Clinics, hospital transfusion committees, blood safety.


  Hakim 2005 8(1) 35-42.





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Received: 2011/10/11 | Published: 2005/04/15

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