Volume 20, Issue 3 (10-2017)                   Hakim 2017, 20(3): 186-194 | Back to browse issues page

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Djalalinia S, Kasaeian A, Peykari N, Modirian M, Ghajarieh Sepanlou S, Ghasemian A, et al . The Challenges and Lessons Learned Experiences of Six Round STEPs Surveys in Iran. Hakim 2017; 20 (3) :186-194
URL: http://hakim.tums.ac.ir/article-1-1788-en.html
1- , f-farzadfar@tums.ac.ir
Abstract:   (5021 Views)
The Challenges and Lessons Learned Experiences of Six Round STEPs Surveys in Iran

Shirin Djalalinia (PhD)1,2, Amir Kasaeian (PhD)1,3, Niloofar Peykari (PhD)1,2, Mitra Modirian (MD)1, Sadaf Ghajarieh Sepanlou (PhD)4, Anousheh Ghasemian (PhD)1, AlirezaAhmadvand (PhD)1, Nazila Rezaei (MD)1, Kambiz Abachizadeh(MD)5, Alireza Moghisi (PhD)6, Alireza Mahdavi Hezaveh(MD)6,  MahboubehDarman(MSc)6, Ahmad Kousha (MD)6, Bagher Larijani (MD)7, Farshad Farzadfar (DSc)1*
1 Non Communicable Diseases Research Center, Endocrinology and
Metabolism Population Sciences Institute, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2 Deputy of Research and Technology, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran
3 Hematology- Oncology and Stem Cell Transplantation Research Center,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
4 Digestive Disease Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
5 Department of Community Medicine, Medical School,
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
6 Center for Non Communicable Diseases, Deputy of Health,
Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran
7 Endocrinology and Metabolism Research Center, Endocrinology and
Metabolism Research Institute, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Introduction: Given the importance of access to information and the need for reliable data, systematic approaches to evaluation of national surveys such as NCD risk factor surveillance system (STEPs) is a priority. Benefiting from partnership of all of stakeholders, present paper provides a practical framework of the strengths and weaknesses of planning and conduction of vast investigation. In addition, it can offer solutions for improving operational and scientific protocols.

Methods: The aim to the comprehensive review and analysis of 6 rounds implementations of STEPs, related documents, along with the findings of a qualitative study of the expert opinions were analyzed. The results were presented corresponding to the strengths, weaknesses, and challenges, with proposed approaches.

Results: The results of this study show that in the years of 2004 - 2009 as well as 2011, the same questions have different codes in the questionnaire and in the data files. Based on the results, over the past 6 years, there are more than 240 distinct options in the questions. Accordingly, under 2 main axes of content and implementation, the findings were presented in accordance with the strengths, challenges, and suggested solutions, which includes the areas of questions, anthropometric, biological measurements, and sampling.

Conclusions: Development and standardization of administrative and scientific protocols of STEPs, along with the management of levels of security and availability of data proposed as long-term policies for better conduction and promotion of the study.

Keywords: NCD Risk Factor Surveillance System; challenge; STEPs; NCDSS

Please cite this article as follows:
Djalalinia Sh, Kasaeian A, Peykari N, Modirian M, Ghajarieh Sepanlou S, Ghasemian A, et al. The Challenges and Lessons Learned Experiences of Six Round STEPs Surveys in Iran. Hakim Health Sys Res 2017; 20(3): 186- 194.

*Corresponding Author: Second Flour, No. 10, Next to Dr. Shariati Hospital, Jalal Al Ahmad Hwy, North Kargar Ave, Tehran, Iran. P. O. Box: 1411713137. Tel: +98-2188631296-7, E-mail: f-farzadfar@tums.ac.ir
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Type of Study: Original | Subject: General
Received: 2018/02/27 | Accepted: 2018/02/27 | Published: 2018/02/27

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