Volume 18, Issue 3 (10-2015)                   Hakim 2015, 18(3): 246-255 | Back to browse issues page

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Youssefi Sadat M, Jamshidi E, Majdzadeh R, Khaefi M, Madani MS, Rajabi F. Developing Empowerment Model of Rural Communities in Community-based Initiatives . Hakim 2015; 18 (3) :246-255
URL: http://hakim.tums.ac.ir/article-1-1569-en.html
1- , ensiyeh_jamshidi@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (6312 Views)

Developing Empowerment Model of Rural Communities in Community-based Initiatives

Youssefi Sadat M1 (BSc), Jamshidi E2* (MSc, PhD candidate), Majdzadeh R2 (PhD), Khaefi M3 (MSc), Madani MS3 (MSc), Rajabi F2 (PhD)

1 Farhikhteh Empowerment Institute, Ardabil, Iran

2 Community Based Participatory Research Center, Iranian Institute for Reduction of High-Risk Behaviors,

Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

3 Environmental and Occupational Health Center, Community Based Initiatives Secretariat,

Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran

Original Article

Received: 11 May 2015, Accepted: 16 Aug 2015


Introduction: The aim of community-based initiatives is to achieve better quality of life through socio-economic development and empowerment of communities to increase power to control the determinants of health. The purpose of this paper was to provide community-based empowerment model as a cornerstone of this program.

Methods: In order to provide an appropriate model for empowering rural community, a review of existing literature at national and international level was conducted. Furthermore, a team of specialists in the field of empowerment was formed as an advisory committee.

Results: Empowerment model including four components and 18 steps was developed. Components included: groundwork, implementation of process by the rural volunteers, monitoring and evaluation, and documentation of experiences and activities. For each of these components, the practical steps which should be taken by the authorities or local communities were identified.

Conclusion: Developed Empowerment Model, in accordance with the principles of empowerment has identified the practical steps for the local community and authorities. This model can be used to meet the objectives of health reform in delivering primary health services in suburban areas and informal settlements. Furthermore, it can provide guidance for countries in WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region who are involved in different stages of community- based initiatives.

Key words: empowerment, model, community- based research, rural development



Please cite this article as follows:

Youssefi Sadat M, Jamshidi E, Majdzadeh R, Khaefi M, Madani MS, Rajabi F. Developing Empowerment Model of Rural Communities in Community-based Initiatives. Hakim Health Sys Res 2015; 18(3): 246- 255.



* Corresponding Author: Flat 9, 7th floor, No.1547, Tehran University of Medical Sciences Research Centers Building. North Kargar Av. Enghelab Sq. Tehran, Iran. Tel: +98- 21- 88995879, Fax: +98-21-88995880.
E-mail: ensiyeh_jamshidi@yahoo.com

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Type of Study: Original |
Received: 2016/08/3 | Accepted: 2016/08/3 | Published: 2016/08/3

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