Volume 18, Issue 2 (4-2015)                   Hakim 2015, 18(2): 171-181 | Back to browse issues page

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Pourreza A, Sharifi M, Mahmoudi M, Vedadhir A, Fayaz-Bakhsh A. Factors Affecting Implementation of the Policy of Reducing Public Share of Health Spending in Iran: a Qualitative Study. Hakim 2015; 18 (2) :171-181
URL: http://hakim.tums.ac.ir/article-1-1520-en.html
1- , sharifimoslem@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (6669 Views)

Factors Affecting Implementation of the Policy of Reducing Public Share of Health Spending in Iran: a Qualitative Study

Pourreza A1 (PhD), Sharifi M1,2* (PhD), Mahmoudi M3 (PhD), Vedadhir A4 (PhD), Fayaz-Bakhsh A5,6 (MD, MSc, PhD)

1 Department of Health Economics and Management, School of Public Health,

Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Health Economics Research Center, Petroleum Industry Health Organization, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health,

Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

4 Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

5 Health Information Management Research Center, School of Allied Medical Sciences, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

6 Department of Health Education, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Original Article

Received: 14 Apr 2015, Accepted: 25 Jun 2015


Introduction: From beginning of the Fourth Development Plan in Iran, the policy of reducing public share of health spending was formally adopted by targeting the reduction of out of pocket payments to less than thirty percent. The policy was also considered in the Fifth Development Plan. However, during implementation of the program (2005 to 2013), out of pocket payments not only did not decrease but increased so far. This study aimed to investigate the reasons for failure of this policy.

Methods: In this qualitative study, 39 key informants were interviewed using purposive sampling method. Data were also gathered from related documents. Data were analyzed using the Walt and Gilson triangle model analysis.

Results: The data were classified within four categories: 1) actors (including conflicts of interest and power installation; 2) content (including internal logic and cohesion objectives); 3) context (including political feasibility, environmental impact, resource and structure); and 4) process (including monitoring and evaluation, stakeholder involvement and stewardship and leadership).

Conclusion: The behavior of the main political actors, were influenced by individual and group factors such as conflicts of interest and power of discourse. This policy failed within the context of the government's lack of political commitment, economic shocks, and lack of social support from interaction of regulatory bodies.

Keywords: policy, implementation, public share of health spending, Iran


Please cite this article as follows:

Pourreza A, Sharifi M, Mahmoudi M, Vedadhir A, Fayaz-bakhsh A. Factors Affecting Implementation of the Policy of Reducing Public Share of Health Spending in Iran: a Qualitative Study. Hakim Health Sys Res 2015; 18(2): 171- 181.



*Corresponding Author: Department of Health Economics and Management, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. E-mail:sharifimoslem@yahoo.com

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Type of Study: Original |
Received: 2016/04/16 | Accepted: 2016/04/16 | Published: 2016/04/16

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