Volume 17, Issue 4 (1-2015)                   Hakim 2015, 17(4): 322-328 | Back to browse issues page

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Ahmadi AM, Nikravan A, Naseri AR, Assari A. Progressivity in Household Health Care Payments in Iran And its Effect on Income Redistribution . Hakim 2015; 17 (4) :322-328
URL: http://hakim.tums.ac.ir/article-1-1447-en.html
1- , res.edu@modares.ac.ir
Abstract:   (7097 Views)



 Ahmadi AM1 * (PhD), Nikravan A2 (PhD Student), Naseri AR2 (PhD), Assari A2 (PhD)


  1 Research Institute of Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

  2 Department of Development and Economic Planning, Faculty of Management and Economics,

  Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


  Original Article

  Received: 27 Sep 2014, Accepted: 22 Dec 2014




  Introduction: The way in which national health care is financed influence the distribution of household income. Progressive (regressive) system reduces (increases) income inequality. In order to assessequity in health payments, studying the progressivity alonewill be misleading. Health financing system should be decomposed to its components including progressivity, horizontal inequity and rerankingto assess equity in health payments.

  Methods: First, we assessed the progressivity in health payments. We applied the Aronson et al method and the ADePT software to decompose the redistributive effect of Iran’s health care financing system to health insurance prepayment and out of pocket payments using Iranian household income expenditure micro data during 2005-2010.

  Results: The health insurance prepayment and out of pocket payment were regressive and progressive during the study period. They were improved up to 53% and 35%, respectively. Progressivity of the total health care payments was increased by 19% and resulted in reducing income inequality. There was a strong horizontal inequity in out of pocket payments.

  Conclusion: In Iran, h ealth payments have been progressive and have reduced income inequality during the study period. Results of income redistribution effect indicated that only studying the progressivity for equity assessment was not enough. Despite existence of progressivity and vertical equity, there was horizontal inequity within each income groups. Since most of health care payments in Iran are through out of pocket payments, better-off not only pay more, they also get more health services.


  Keywords: r edistributive effect, progressivity, horizontal inequity, reranking, equity


    Please cite this article as follows:

 Ahmadi AM, Nikravan A, Naseri AR, Assari A. Progressivity in Household Health Care Payments in Iran and its Effect on Income Redistribution. Hakim Health Sys Res 2015 17(4): 322- 328.




  * Corresponding Author: Research Institute of Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran. Iran. Tel: +98- 21- 82883901, E-mail: aahmadi@modares.ac.ir , res.edu@modares.ac.ir

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Type of Study: Original |
Received: 2015/08/17 | Accepted: 2015/08/17 | Published: 2015/08/17

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