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Khalaj A (phd) , Shokraiee K, (pharmd) , Seyfi P, (pharmd) , Mesgarpour B, (pharmd) , Adhami Hr, (pharmd). ,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (4-2006)

Introduction: One of the main objectives of the national health policy of a country should be designing a strategic program for pharmaceutical research in order to take the best advantage of the allocated funds and to prevent wasting of national resources. This investigation was carried out to assess views of graduate and undergraduate students of Tehran University faculty of pharmacy, about the importance, priorities (applied or basic), problems and opportunities of the pharmaceutical research as well as its impact weaknesses, and its impact on the future careers of students.

Methods: This was a qualitative study carried out by focus group discussion in 2004 for four months on two groups of 6-10 undergraduate and two groups of 6-10 graduate students in the National Research Center for Medical Sciences of Iran.

Results: Results showed that almost all participants believed in the necessity of pharmaceutical research, especially applied research based on demands of our country. Uncompromising rules about research, budget allocation, tardy and uneven appropriation of resources, weak and feckless administration, lack of the research ethos and ethics, paucity of skilled specialists, weak cooperation between universities and industry, lack of research registry system, weak research motives, inadequate inter association and ineffective evaluation systems for research and researchers were mentioned as the main factors impeding pharmaceutical research in Iran. The presence of young population, the country’s scientific history, decent human and financial resources and high potentials of the pharmaceutical industry were considered as strengths of the pharmaceutical research. Most students believed that doing research provides them with better opportunities to live and work abroad.

Conclusion: Results of this study supports the necessity of a strategic plan for pharmaceutical research in Iran and will be used in the development of this program.

Hakim Research Journal 2006 9(1):45-51.

Jafari Sirizi M, (msc) , Rashidian A, (md, Phd) , Abolhasani F, (md) , Mohammad K, (phd) , Yazdani Sh, (md) , Parkerton P, (phd) , Yunesian M, (phd) , Akbari F, (phd , Arab M, (phd) ,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (7-2008)

Introduction: The aim of this study was to determine the key organizational dimensions that influence the autonomy of university hospitals and the level of granted autonomy in each dimension.

Methods: Six hospitals were randomly selected from those affiliated with three medical universities of Tehran, Iran and Shahid Beheshti. In this qualitative study, we interviewed 27 hospital managers (response rate of 82%). The semi-structured interview guide was developed based on the results of four initial in-depth interviews and the organizational reform model of the World Bank. We used the framework method for the analysis of qualitative data.

Results: Nine themes were identified as the key factors influencing hospital autonomy: decision right in strategic management, decision right in human resources management, decision right in financial management, decision right in physical resources management, product market exposure, procurement market exposure, financial residual claim, governance arrangements and accountability mechanisms, and social functions of the hospitals. Limited decision rights in strategic, human resources, and physical resources management were granted to hospitals. Hospitals were not the financial residual claimant, but were exposed to competitive product market. Autonomy was limited regarding the procurement market. Governance systems were hierarchical and accountability mechanisms were supervisor-supervisee oriented. Some of the social functions of the hospitals were defined, but the expenses of these functions were not totally reimbursed by the government and the insurance industry.

Conclusion: The autonomy granted to the hospitals is unbalanced and paradoxical. More decision rights should be granted for management of strategic, human resources and physical resources as well as hospitals entry to the procurement market. Hospitals need to be the financial residual claimant. The hierarchical administrative systems should be transformed to cooperative ones. Instead of supervisor-supervisee oriented control measures, Ministry of Health and Medical Education needs more regulatory mechanisms for controlling hospitals’ performance and social functions.


     Hakim Research Journal 2008 11(2): 59- 71.

Haghdoost Aa, (md, Phd) , Sadeghirad B (pharmd) , Fasihi Harandi M (phd) , Rohollamini A, (bsc) ,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (1-2009)

Introduction: This study aimed to evaluate the current situation of PhD education of medical science fields in Iran and compare it with successful models in developed countries.

Methods: In a qualitative design, we systematically collected and analyzed the academic staff’s perspectives that had studied abroad and were involved in training of post-graduate students in medical fields. In the first step we prepared a conceptual framework based on the findings in brain storming sessions and in-depth discussions. Then in semi-structural interviews, the pros and cons of the current dominant model were discussed and the proposed revisions along with their applications were tabulated.

Results: The main challenges in the current training system were listed as no-involvement of departments in the admission of their PhD students, insufficient attention to meta-capacities of enrolled students- e.g. their English skill, nonfunctional relationship of the universities with the industry, and poor supervision of doctorate students. As one of the potential advantages of the research-based PhD training model, it was mentioned that the students might obtain more capability to address the further needs of the industry and research system.

Conclusion: Accordingly, we believe that the advantages of the current system should be kept, nonetheless a revision in the PhD training model, particularly with more attention to the research based training, may address more efficiently to needs in the future. Considering the limitations of the research-based model, such a reform should be implemented gradually using a comprehensive road map.


  Hakim Research Journal 2009 11(4): 8- 15.

Ravaghi H, Sajadi Hs,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (1-2014)


  Ravaghi H1 (PhD), Sajadi HS2 * (PhD)


  1 Health Management and Economics Research Center, Department of Health Services Management, School of Health Management and Information Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

  2 Health Management and Economics Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran .


  Received: 30 Jul 2013, Accepted: 12 Nov 2013





  Introduction: Given the need of doing researches related to patient safety, conducting applicable studies in this field, and making evidences, this study aimed to recognize and define the research priorities in patient safety fields.

  Methods: This study was carried out using Modified Classis Delphi technique in 2013. The study participants were all policy-makers, planners, managers and officials of healthcare organizations as well as faculty members involved in patient safety issue. Purposive sampling was employed to select 45 participants. Data was gathered using three questionnaires. The first questionnaire was prepared on the base of the review literature and the other questionnaire was designed on the base of the previous results. The validity of used questionnaire was confirmed by experts. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS-16.

  Results: Four themes were identified including "epidemiology of threatening factors of patient safety" (with 14 subthemes), "root analyzing of threatening factors of patient safety" (with 5 subthemes), "patient safety improvement" (with 21 subthemes) and "evaluation and feedback of patient safety solutions" (with 5 subthemes). The most important subtheme (first priority) was the study of medical errors in using drugs (drug errors) and the less important subtheme (last priority) was the study of educational and non-educational healthcare centers and patient safety.

  Conclusion: Our findings indicated the Iran’s research needs in patient safety field. This could help policy-makers, researchers and related organizations to choose suitable and applicable topics to investigate on the patient safety issues. Also, it makes possible utilizing available capacities to satisfy patients and society needs. It is suggested that the identified research properties to be given to relevant stakeholders in order to organize efforts of providing sufficient evidence in patient safety field.


  Key words: Research priority, patient safety, Modified Classic Delphi, Iran



  Please cite this article as follows:

  Ravaghi H, Sajadi HS. Research Priorities for Patient Safety in Iran. Hakim Research Journal 2014 16(4): 358- 366.


Youssefi Sadat M, Jamshidi E, Majdzadeh R, Khaefi M, Madani Ms, Rajabi F,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (10-2015)

Developing Empowerment Model of Rural Communities in Community-based Initiatives

Youssefi Sadat M1 (BSc), Jamshidi E2* (MSc, PhD candidate), Majdzadeh R2 (PhD), Khaefi M3 (MSc), Madani MS3 (MSc), Rajabi F2 (PhD)

1 Farhikhteh Empowerment Institute, Ardabil, Iran

2 Community Based Participatory Research Center, Iranian Institute for Reduction of High-Risk Behaviors,

Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

3 Environmental and Occupational Health Center, Community Based Initiatives Secretariat,

Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran

Original Article

Received: 11 May 2015, Accepted: 16 Aug 2015


Introduction: The aim of community-based initiatives is to achieve better quality of life through socio-economic development and empowerment of communities to increase power to control the determinants of health. The purpose of this paper was to provide community-based empowerment model as a cornerstone of this program.

Methods: In order to provide an appropriate model for empowering rural community, a review of existing literature at national and international level was conducted. Furthermore, a team of specialists in the field of empowerment was formed as an advisory committee.

Results: Empowerment model including four components and 18 steps was developed. Components included: groundwork, implementation of process by the rural volunteers, monitoring and evaluation, and documentation of experiences and activities. For each of these components, the practical steps which should be taken by the authorities or local communities were identified.

Conclusion: Developed Empowerment Model, in accordance with the principles of empowerment has identified the practical steps for the local community and authorities. This model can be used to meet the objectives of health reform in delivering primary health services in suburban areas and informal settlements. Furthermore, it can provide guidance for countries in WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region who are involved in different stages of community- based initiatives.

Key words: empowerment, model, community- based research, rural development



Please cite this article as follows:

Youssefi Sadat M, Jamshidi E, Majdzadeh R, Khaefi M, Madani MS, Rajabi F. Developing Empowerment Model of Rural Communities in Community-based Initiatives. Hakim Health Sys Res 2015; 18(3): 246- 255.



* Corresponding Author: Flat 9, 7th floor, No.1547, Tehran University of Medical Sciences Research Centers Building. North Kargar Av. Enghelab Sq. Tehran, Iran. Tel: +98- 21- 88995879, Fax: +98-21-88995880.

Hasan Emami, Reza Radfar, Farhad Emami,
Volume 21, Issue 3 (10-2018)

Commercialization Modeling and Processes in Pharmaceutical Industry: A Case Study of Presenting an Evaluation Pattern Using Dynamic Programming Model

Hassan Emami 1*, Reza Radfar 2, Farhad Emami 3
1Department of Health Information Management and Technology, School of Allied Medical Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2Department of Industrial Management, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
3Darou Darman Parmida Co., Tehran, Iran


Background: There are various models and processes for commercialization in the pharmaceutical biotechnology industry. All these processes comprise three phases of scientific explorations, clinical experiments, and manufacturing, marketing, and sale. In the field of pharmaceutical biotechnology, this process is limited to opportunity identification, clinical experiments, and manufacturing, marketing, and sale. This restriction, because of existing a scientific background, provides a good opportunity for biosimilars for production.
Objectives: The aim of this research was to present an evaluation pattern to be used in the commercialization process of research outcomes by focusing on the pharmaceutical biotechnology industry.
Methods: In this descriptive-analytical research, a mixed-method exploratory approach was adopted. The statistical population included the community of experts in the pharmaceutical biotechnology industry and academic and research centers. This research used a dynamic programming model.
Results: Mathematical equations and analyzing the process network showed that among 126 sub-indices influencing the process of commercialization of R&D in pharmaceutical biotechnology, 44 factors had higher values. These factors can be considered in this process by policymakers, manufacturers, and other stakeholders in the field of pharmaceutical biotechnology.
Keywords: Evaluation; Framework; Influencing Indices in Commercialization; Pharmaceutical Biotechnology; Research and Development
Please cite this article as follows:
Emami H, Radfar R, Emami F. Commercialization Modeling and Processes in Pharmaceutical Industry:
A Case Study of Presenting an Evaluation Pattern Using Dynamic Programming Model. Hakim Health Sys Res 2018; 21(3): 211-220.
*Corresponding Author: PhD, Department of Health Information Management and Technology, School of Allied Medical Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. Tel: +98-9121055900, Email:

Elham Ghalenoei, Monir Baradaran Eftekhari, Asghar Ebadifar, Reza Malekzadeh,
Volume 23, Issue 1 (3-2020)

AIntroduction: Research evaluation based on peer review is done to assess the quality of research. In this article, the peer review evaluation results of selected Iranian research centers are presented.
Methods: A qualitative study was conducted through peer review with 106 and 15 Iranian professors from inside and outside the country, respectively. The evaluation was implemented in four areas of leadership, structure, research products, and impact. In this study, research centers with independent research budget lines and 12 top research centers during 2015-2018 were evaluated.
Results: The most weaknesses in these research centers were in leadership (scattered work, island and parallel activities) and impact (inefficiency of knowledge utilization in transfer chains) areas, and the greatest strengths were related to knowledge production (quantitative and qualitative development in the number of published articles and citations). In the structural part, the lack of attention to technological activities, the lack of applicability of research, and inadequate physical space were the most important weaknesses.
Conclusion: In the peer review method, the assessment of leadership, structure, and in particular, impact areas has a very important role in research quality promotion due to appropriate interactions with specialists and peers.
Please cite this article as follows:
Ghalenoei E, Baradaran Eftekhari M, Ebadifar A, Malekzadeh R. Qualitative research evaluation based on peer review in Iranian medical research centers: experiences from I.R.Iran. Hakim Health Sys Res. 2020; 23(1): 6-13.
*Corresponding Author: Deputy for Research and Technology, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran. Tel :(+98)2181455184. E-mail:

Mohammad Reza Ghayoom Zadeh, Elham Rashidian, Mojgan Letafat Nejad,
Volume 23, Issue 1 (3-2020)

Introduction: Identifying the challenges and barriers to the successful deployment and implementation of an integrated health care system from the perspective of the field and residential user staff can provide valuable information for administrative staff and policymakers at the provincial and national levels.
Methods: The present study was qualitative research. Data were obtained through semi-structured interviews, which continued until data saturation. Purposeful sampling was performed in 2018 among service providers, experts, and managerial staff from the South Tehran Health Center and Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Data were analyzed using standard qualitative content analysis with MAXQDA software.
Results: The analysis of the interview data resulted in the emergence of 504 initial codes and eight themes. The themes included 1) System definition, 2) Comments on the system, 3) Project benefits, 4) Project disadvantages, 5) National implementation, 6) Challenges of successful implementation of the project, 7) Project implementation conditions, and 8) Suggestions to resolve the existing problems.
Conclusion: The integrated electronic health record system is essential for upgrading the country’s health system. But there are problems in setting up, running, and programming the system, which requires coordination and collaboration at different levels of management. The participants considered the experience of Tehran University of Medical Sciences to apply to the whole country for resolving the problems and defects.
Please cite this article as follows:
Ghayoom Zade MR, Rashidian E, Letafat Nejad M. Identifying the challenges of implementing an integrated health system (SIB) and its implementation from the perspective of environmental and staff users of Tehran University of Medical Sciences one year after implementation (2017): A Qualitative study. Hakim Health Sys Res. 2020; 23(1): 46-62.
*Corresponding Author: South Tehran Health Center, Tehran University of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran. Tel/Fax: (+98)2166477188, E-mail:

Mohsen Salahshouri, Reza Ahmadi Kahanali, Ali Heyrani,
Volume 24, Issue 1 (5-2021)

Futures studies is a field of scientific studies that seeks to better understand changes in humans, society, and the environment by examining the probability of future events at different levels, and one of the reasons for its use is to try to understand topics that we are unaware of because in order to face the future and plan better, sufficient knowledge should be done in the relevant subject.
The health system is full of uncertain and complex issues that are risky to address based on findings from past events. It seems that futures research can consider various dimensions and challenges of health system by providing different paradigms and approaches, and while helping to better understand the complexities, provide useful and effective solutions for the development of knowledge and management in the field of health. It is suggested that futures studies knowledge be promoted for health-related planning in order to improve the view of the managers of this system and be given more attention.
Please cite this article as follows:
Salahshouri  M, Ahmadi Kahanali  R, Heyrani  A. Futures Studies with Scenario Planning Method in Health System. Hakim Health Systems research journal. HAKIM Health Sys Res. 2021; (24): 1-5.
Tahereh Dehdari, Somayeh Ebrahimi,
Volume 24, Issue 2 (7-2021)

Introduction: In Iran, the tendency to have only one child has increased. This study explored the experiences of Delijan parents in terms of only child.
Methods: This qualitative study was conducted in 2020. The starting point of sampling was among the health records of comprehensive health service centers of Delijan city that had voluntary only child and the mother’s age was over 35 years old. Parents from different age, gender, educational and occupational groups were interviewed to get maximum diversity in the data and deep insight from the experiences of individuals. Thirty semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted. The participants (18 women and 12 men) were asked about their experiences about only child. Data analysed by conventional content analysis method. Continuous analysis of data began and continued up to data saturation. To increase the validity and reliability of the data, the suggested proposed methods by Lincoln and Cuban were used (including prolong engagement with the participants, peer check, member check, and data saturation).
Results:  The mean age of participants was 41.7 years with a standard deviation of 5.5. Predisposing factors of one child with 5 subcatrgories including family causes, physical causes, negative previous experiences, psychological causes, socio-economic-political causes and decisional balance with 2 subclasses including perceived pros of having one child and perceived cons of having one child were emerged as participants, experiences of having only one child.
Conclusion: Identifying the experiences of parents having only one child may be a kind of needs assessment to design interventions to increase couples’ tendency to have more children.
Keywords: Qualitative research, content analysis, only child

Please cite this article as follows:
Ebrahimi S, Dehdari T. Explanation of experiences of Delijan parents in terms of only child: A qualitative study. Hakim Health Systems Research Journal.HAKIM Health Sys Res. 2021; 24 (2):128-141.

*Corresponding Author: Health Promotion Research Center, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Shahid Hemmat Highway, Tehran, Iran. Email:,, Tel: 00982186704756, Fax: 00982188622707

Nafiseh Salehnia, Mohammad Mahdi Nasr Harandi,
Volume 24, Issue 4 (3-2022)

Introduction: The need for formulating strategies and laws compatible with innovations has become necessary with the ever-increasing development of providers and users of electronic health services. Understanding the current situation through the identification of challenges in different sectors can provide useful information in the field of legislation for policy-makers.
Methods: This is a qualitative research. Data were through interviewing business managers in the field of e-health. Participants were selected using purposeful sampling in 2022 among service providers, including providers of telemedicine services, online health information, mobile health, and online pharmacies. Data were analyzed using standard qualitative content analysis with MAXQDA v.10 software.
Results: 29 codes related to legal and ethical challenges were obtained after analyzing the data. These items were classified into 8 main categories: Regulatory and legislation, responsiveness and responsibility, competence, user opinions, super applications, standard of care, patient benefits, and patient data and records. Suggestions were also provided in each case.
Conclusion: there are challenges that policy-makers in the field of electronic health governance should address. Legal issues are one of the main obstacles and challenges for businesses in this area. If ethical and legitimate businesses are out of competition, users may seek online services from unlicensed or unprofessional providers. This creates serious problems for the health system.

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