Introduction: Patient satisfaction is one of the basic points in quality improvement systems. One of the services delivered to the patients is admission and its related aspects. The patient satisfaction from admission has a great impact on their satisfaction from the succeeding services they receive during the hospitalization. Patient satisfaction has different aspects including the personnel behavior, the waiting time for hospitalization, medical staff behavior, financial problems and hospitalization in the ward without problems. This study aimed to evaluate the above mentioned points in TUMS (Tehran University of Medical Sciences) hospitals.
Methods: To obtain data, patients were interviewed at the time of discherge. Hence, 1378 patients were interviewed during two consequent months. The data was analyzed using descriptive and analytic models employing version 10 of SPSS software.
Results: The findings are as follows: 66.6% didn't have any waiting time for hospitalization but 26.8% did. For 56.3% of patient, the length of time between coming into the emergency room and entering the proper ward wasn't long whereas 11.7% of patients weren't satisfied of the admission personnel behavior and 4.7% weren’t satisfied. The rate of contact satisfaction with admission's employees was 82.4%. 91.3% of patients have found the wards immediately after the admission. 80.5% of patients have said they would come back for treatment to the same facility again (if necessary) while 13.6% didn't show any tendency to the same place again. 78.7% of patients would recommend the center to their relatives while 14.1% wouldn’t do so. The patient overall satisfaction of the admission process was: 76% satisfied, 14.6% partially satisfied and 9.4% dissatisfied. There was a significant relation between educational level of the patients (p=0.007) the waiting time for hospitalization (p=0.004) and to have insurance notebook (p= 0.046) others as sex, age and marital status had no effect on the satisfaction rate.
Conclusion: We conclude that some hospitals have greater satisfaction rate than the others. It can be used benchmarking method to increase this rate. Other processes of admission should be improved including decrease of waiting admission time and increase of social insurance coverage.
Hakim Research Journal 2005 8(3) 31-37.
Introduction: The purpose of this research was to determine the most important factors that people in city of Yazd place on in their choice of a physician when they become sick.
Methods: A total of 493 males and females of various age and educational groups were assessed through cluster sampling from 25 zones of Yazd city. Data collection was performed using the Hill and Garner's 19-factor checklist with two statements added by the research team. This questionnaire assesses the degree of importance in patients' choice of the physician by three parts of (A) personal characteristics of the physician, (B) physician- patient communication factors, and (C) the quality of medical service, each part of which comprised of seven statements. Statistical methods used were descriptive statistics and Kruskal- Wallis and Mann- Whitney nonparametric tests.
Results: Based on the findings, the first seven factors were: knowledgeability and proficiency (personal characteristic of physicians), spending enough time for examination (communicative factor), being particularly attentive to the patient's problem (communicative factor), using competent assistants (service factor), avoiding dealing with other matters during the visit (communicative factor), easing the patient with an initial brief greeting (communicative factor), and avoiding attendance of other patients during the visit (service factor). These seven factors had mean scores of importance above the determined cut-off point (3.5), and while resending in the upper third of the distribution, were expressed as the most important factors in physician choice. All the personal characteristics of the physicians were rated as the least important factors, except knowledge and competency. Moreover, although no significant difference was found between males' and females' opinions, the differences among the age and educational groups in the two parts of communicative and service quality factors were significant (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Physicians’ knowledge is of the most important factors that patients place on in choosing doctors. Specific attention to scientific competence, communicative skills, and factors related with the quality of medical services, contribute to more successful performance of the physicians and more satisfaction of the patients.
Hakim Research Journal 2007 10(3): 22- 27.
Ravaghi H1 (PhD), Sajadi HS2 * (PhD)
1 Health Management and Economics Research Center, Department of Health Services Management, School of Health Management and Information Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
2 Health Management and Economics Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran .
Received: 30 Jul 2013, Accepted: 12 Nov 2013
Introduction: Given the need of doing researches related to patient safety, conducting applicable studies in this field, and making evidences, this study aimed to recognize and define the research priorities in patient safety fields.
Methods: This study was carried out using Modified Classis Delphi technique in 2013. The study participants were all policy-makers, planners, managers and officials of healthcare organizations as well as faculty members involved in patient safety issue. Purposive sampling was employed to select 45 participants. Data was gathered using three questionnaires. The first questionnaire was prepared on the base of the review literature and the other questionnaire was designed on the base of the previous results. The validity of used questionnaire was confirmed by experts. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS-16.
Results: Four themes were identified including "epidemiology of threatening factors of patient safety" (with 14 subthemes), "root analyzing of threatening factors of patient safety" (with 5 subthemes), "patient safety improvement" (with 21 subthemes) and "evaluation and feedback of patient safety solutions" (with 5 subthemes). The most important subtheme (first priority) was the study of medical errors in using drugs (drug errors) and the less important subtheme (last priority) was the study of educational and non-educational healthcare centers and patient safety.
Conclusion: Our findings indicated the Iran’s research needs in patient safety field. This could help policy-makers, researchers and related organizations to choose suitable and applicable topics to investigate on the patient safety issues. Also, it makes possible utilizing available capacities to satisfy patients and society needs. It is suggested that the identified research properties to be given to relevant stakeholders in order to organize efforts of providing sufficient evidence in patient safety field.
Key words: Research priority, patient safety, Modified Classic Delphi, Iran
Please cite this article as follows:
Ravaghi H, Sajadi HS. Research Priorities for Patient Safety in Iran. Hakim Research Journal 2014 16(4): 358- 366.
Arab M1 (PhD), Khabiri R1 (PhD), Pouragha B2 (PhD), Movahed Kor E1 * (PhD), Mohammadzadeh Jamalian M3 (MSc)
1 Department of Health Management and Economics, School of Public Health,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2 School of Public Health, Alborz University of Medical Sciences, Alborz, Iran
3 I.R.Iran National Institute of Health Research, Tehran, Iran
Received: 11 Jan 2014, Accepted: 21 Apr 2014
Introduction: Hospitals are the most important healthcare organizations. The aim of the present study was to develop a questionnaire for assessing outpatients’ satisfaction in hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, we selected 400 outpatients admitted to the hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. The preliminary items were gathered using a systematic review of the related literature. Data were analyzed using the correlation matrix, t-test, ANOVAs and confirmatory factor analysis.
Results: Totally, 66.2% of the outpatients were satisfied with the clinics’ healthcare services. The Cronbach’s alpha was calculated as 0.81. According to the component matrix, the most loads (0.148, 0.147) were related to recommendation of the clinics to others, and total satisfaction with clinics’ healthcare services (item 12 and 14). Furthermore, the least load (0.05) was related to satisfaction with the waiting time (item 2). There was a statistically significant correlation between the outpatients’ satisfaction and other factors including gender, type of hospital, education, age and employment.
Conclusion: The findings of the present study can help to identify weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities in providing healthcare services in hospitals.
Keywords: questionnaire, validity, satisfaction, outpatients
Please cite this article as follows:
Arab M, Khabiri R, Pouragha B, Movahed Kor E. Development of an Outpatients’ Satisfaction Questionnaire for Hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Science. Hakim Health Sys Res 2014 17(1): 127- 137.
* Corresponding Author: Department of Health Management and Economics, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. Tel:+98-937-0331080, Fax: +98- 21- 88989129, E-mail:
Please cite this article as follows: Gholamzadeh Nikjoo R, Sokhanvar M, Motahari rad KH, Khodayari MT. Quality of outpatient visit in selected public and private clinics of Tabriz city in 1397. Hakim Health Sys Res. 2019; 22(3): 249-257. |
Please cite this article as follows: Mosadeghrad AM, Jaafaripooyan E, Hajihashemi S. Effect of Iran Health Transformation Plan on patient satisfaction. Hakim Health Sys Res. 2020; 23(2): 228-237. |
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