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Showing 4 results for Alinia S

Ramezani Tehrani F, (md) , Malekafzali H, (md) , Djalalinia Sh, (ms) , Rostami Dovom M, (bs) , Peikari N, (msc). ,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (7-2007)

Introduction: More than 1/6 of the total population worldwide smoke, and it is estimated that cigarette smoking will be the most common preventable cause of death in 2020. Anti-smoking advice from general practitioners is very effective, and recent evidence-based guidelines urge general practitioners to advise all patients against smoking at every opportunity. This study aimed to identify general practitioners’ knowledge regarding smoking, as well as their readiness to give counseling to their patients to stop smoking.

Methods: This survey was carried out using a WHO-based questionnaire. According to sample size estimations, it was given to the 5140 general practitioners selected by quota sampling from all 25600 general physicians registered in the country at the time of the study.

Results: Seventy-four percent of the studied doctors were male and 16% smoked, while another 4.6% had a past history of smoking. Thirty percent of subjects felt that they were ready to give counseling to patients on how to stop smoking, but only 9% had received any formal training regarding smoking cessation approaches in medical school or during post-graduate programs, while 80% perceived such training as necessary. Smoking cessation intervention during visits was associated with increased patient satisfaction with their care among those who smoked.

Conclusion: Improvement of knowledge and attitude of doctors regarding smoking cessation could have an important impact on reduction of smoking in community and improvement of public health so, providing appropriate training in medical schools or postgraduate programs is a priority.


  Hakim Research Journal 2007 10(2): 15- 20.

Malek Afzali H , Eftekhar H , Baradaran Eftekhari M , Paikari N , Djalalinia S , Falahat K , Habibi E , Dejman M , Setareh Forouzan A ,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (10-2009)


Malek Afzali H1 (MD, PhD), Eftekhar H1 (MD, PhD), Baradaran Eftekhari M * 2 (MD, MPH), Paikari N2 (MSc), Djalalinia S2 (MSc), Falahat K2 (MSc), Habibi E2 (MSc), Dejman M3 (MD, PhD), Setareh Forouzan A3 (MD, PhD)


  1 School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

  2 Undersecretary for Research & Technology, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran

  3 University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Science, Tehran, Iran


  Received: 18 Aug 2009, Accepted: 13 Nov 2009





Introduction: Nowadays, newspapers are of high importance in raising community awareness due to their large daily circulation, national distribution, appropriate price and accessibility. The present study was conducted to assess the quality and quantity of published health research results and news in three national broadsheet newspapers with large daily circulation.

Methods: In this cross-sectional study, Sixty issues of three newspapers named Iran, Keyhan and Hamshahri have been assessed in terms of the number of published health article using a validate questionnaires.

Results: In this study, 696 health related articles were found one forth of them represented the results of different health researches. The mean number of these articles in each edition was 3.8. The sources of most of these articles were interviews of the journalists and national news agencies. Most of health or health research results have been situated in knowledge and technology sections and more than 70% of articles were news-type. More than 50% of health related articles provided health promotion results. 70% of health research articles had been conducted in developed countries. Target group of mentioned news and research results were public community.

Conclusion: Media has effective role in transferring health information. It is obvious that empowerment of researchers on how to disseminate knowledge based on their audience have important roles in public health promotion.


Key words: Newspapers, Newspaper Article [Publication Type] , Health Education

  Hakim Research Journal 2009 12(3): 40- 44.


  * Corresponding Author: Azadi Avenue , Opposite to Avesta Park, Undersecretary for Research & Technology, Tehran, Iran. Tel: +98- 21- 66582521, Fax: +98- 21- 66582535,

Dejman M, Forouzan A, Baradaran Eftekhari M, Malek Afzali H, Djalalinia S, Paikari N, Falahat K, Vameghi M, Mirabzadeh A,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (10-2012)


  Dejman M1 (MD, PhD), Forouzan A1 (MD, PhD), Baradaran Eftekhari M2 * (MD, MPH), Malek Afzali H3 (MD, PhD), Djalalinia S4 (MSc), Paikari N4 (MSc), Falahat K5 (MSc), Vameghi M 1 (MD),  MirabzadehA6 (MD, PhD)


  1 Department of Social Welfare, Social Determinants of Health Research Center,

  Welfare and Rehabilitation University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

  2 Undersecretary for Research and Technology, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Welfare and Rehabilitation University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

  3 Department of Public Health, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

  4 Undersecretary for Research and Technology, Ministry of Health and Medical Education Metabolism and Endocrinology Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

  5 Undersecretary for Research and Technology, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran

  6 Department of Social Determinants of Health, Social Determinants of Health Research Center,

  Welfare and Rehabilitation University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


  Received: 31 Jul 2011, Accepted: 22 Jul 2012





  Introduction: Nowadays, the development of participatory approaches with emphasis on community empowerment is recognized as an important tool in health promotion. The present study was conducted to assess the strengths, weaknesses, challenges and lessons learned from participatory community-based programs in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

  Methods: In this qualitative study, thirteen community-based participatory programs related to health have been assessed in leadership, community participation/other stakeholders and capacity building themes.

  Results: In this study, the main strength of leadership was volunteers` motivation in service delivery and community resource mobilization. The weak points were lack of community participation in decision-making process in national level, lack of regular monitoring and evaluation programs, and lack of appropriate policymakers` supports. In participation axes, the partnership of women was as the strength and lack of male participation and weakness of team working were as the challenges of the programs. Moreover, the participatory process of community empowerment was important as well as the other strengths in many programs and lack of appropriate update was the weak point.

  Conclusion: Capacity building of community, NGOs and policymakers are important in cooperation mechanisms, partnership, team working and resource mobilization fields in development of participatory community-based programs.


  Key words: e mpowerment, participatory community-based programs, leadership



  Please cite this article as follows:

  Dejman M, Forouzan A, Baradaran Eftekhari M, Malek Afzali H, Djalalinia S, et al. Community-based Participatory Programs related to Health in Islamic Republic of Iran: Strengths, Challenges and Lessons learnt. Hakim Research Journal 2012 15(3): 185- 191.


  * Corresponding Author: Azadi Avenue, opposite to Avesta Park, Undersecretary for Research and Technology. Tel: +98- 21- 64892607, Fax: +98- 21- 66582540, E-mail:

Alinia S, Akbarisari A, Mehregan N, Pourreza A,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (1-2013)



  Alinia S1 (MSc), Akbarisari A1 * (PhD), Mehregan N2 (PhD), Pourreza A1 (PhD)


  1 Department of Health Management and Economics, School of Public Health,

  Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

  2 Economic Research Institute, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


  Received: 26 Jul 2011, Accepted: 9 Dec 2012





  Introduction: Currently in Iran about 80000 GPs are responsible for patient’s visit and s everal factors affect the utilization rate of those services. The main aim of this study is to determine the effect of these factors on the level of GPs services.

  Methods: This study is a descriptive analytic study using panel data. Data were collected from Medical Services Insurance Organizations (MSIO), Iran Statistics Center and Central Bank for 2004-2009 years and estimates of results have been performed with Eviews.6 software.

  Results: Price and Income elasticity related to GP services were -0.03 and 0.08 respectively meaning that 10% increase in the price of doctor visits is associated with 0.3% reduction in their visits. In addition 10% increase in income of insured people is associated with 0.8% reduction in the GP visits.

  Conclusion: The most important factors in the use of GP services are access to medical insurance, price of GP visit and patient income respectively.


  Key words: Medical services insurance organization, Panel data, price elasticity, income elasticity, universal insurance.





  Please cite this article as follows:

  Alinia S, Akbarisari A, Mehregan N, Pourreza A. Factors Affecting MSIO Insured Utilization Rate from GPs Services in Iran Using Panel Data. Hakim Research Journal 2013 15(4): 300- 308.



  * Corresponding Author: Tehran, Enghelab sq, Ghods St, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, School of Public Health, Department of Health Management and Economic. Postal Code: 1417613151, PO: 15875-6951, Fax: 88989129,
Tel: +98- 21- 8898129. E-mail:

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